How to Survive Express Kidnap - Top 5 Tips To Prevent It

News Network Texas
4 minute read

Express Kidnap is a method of abduction, usually violent in nature where a small ransom is either demanded, normally from the family or employer of the victim, or by the victim being forced to withdraw money from his or her ATM account.

Often Express Kidnap gangs will orchestrate a scenario, either through pre-attack planning, or dynamic assault of an individual or group. Execsecure most common method is to forcefully gain and maintain control of the victim/s inside a vehicle. Then drive the victim/s around to different ATMs, and have them provide their PINs (normally through intimidation and force), withdrawing the largest amount/s possible.In this article we will explore the details about secure transportation mumbai.
Frequently gangs work in tandem with Taxi drivers, and/or wait at key locations such as airports, ATMs, outside bars/nightclubs looking for potential targets, and the most opportune moments to strike.

Although accurate statistics are very hard to come by, Execsecure has experienced, and noted through their network the majority of Express Kidnappings end with the victim/s being released. The ordeal is often violent and traumatic but only rarely do they develop into Actual Kidnap, or Murder. However, just like all violent crimes, the situation can escalate and deteriorate rapidly.

Any abduction, even if initially planned as a short-term Express Kidnap can develop. There have been multiple cases of Express kidnappings turning into sexual assault, and also developing into long-term actual kidnap. The criminal gang could also react adversely to you and your behavior, losing their patience or having aggressive executive protection outbursts (sometimes fueled by drugs and alcohol), or fear reprisals and the victim being able to identify them later, and survive express kidnap can turn into a murder.

There are five key things one can do to increase chances of Surviving Express Kidnap:


If you are ‘in the bag’ or in the criminal gang’s control – comply and follow their demands. Do not over complicate, nor become aggressive. The first 15 minutes of any kidnap will likely be the most dangerous as nerves of the attackers will be at the highest and the hostiles are more likely to do something stupid, and violent. 

Stay Calm, breathe

Easier said than done, but this is the only way to assess the situation and control the adrenaline that will undoubtedly be rushing through your system. Think calmly and come up with a plan. One way to help stay calm is to control your breathing, focus on it, try to regulate it and get your adrenaline to work for you, rather than panicking.
We teach the Acronym CRAP® – think Oh CRAP -Stay Calm, make a Rapid Assessment, and then be Pro-active in action. Click here to learn more about how thinking CRAP can save your life.

Be Human and ingratiate

When facing an express kidnap scenario, which typically lasts from a few minutes to over 24 hours, it's crucial to establish a connection with your captors. One effective strategy is to engage in conversation about universal topics such as family and sports. Knowing about local soccer/football teams and key players in the area you're visiting can help bridge the gap between you and the captors. This insight can be gained through research, travel guides, or even informative blog posts. The objective is to humanize yourself in the eyes of the captors, shifting their perception from seeing you solely as an object to recognizing you as a real person. It's important to avoid engaging in discussions about sensitive subjects like religion, politics, and race, as these topics can escalate tensions and potentially increase the risk to your safety.

Pay Attention and Constantly Assess

Pay close attention to every detail and actively gather information about your captors' behavior, demeanor, plans, and movements. Assess the number of individuals involved and whether they are armed, and if so, what type of weapons they possess. If you're confined within a vehicle, take note of its condition—whether it's new or old, and whether the doors lock automatically or manually. Consider potential obstacles if you need to escape, such as locked doors. Observe the direction of travel, the presence of pedestrians and other vehicles, and the overall surroundings. By creating a detailed profile of your situation, you can better evaluate whether it's feasible to wait it out, with confidence in your survival chances, or if the situation is rapidly deteriorating and escape is necessary due to imminent danger.

Act Decisively, and With Purpose

If you are in the honestly held belief that you are not getting out of the situation alive or seriously injured – decide to escape. Be confident that you can, be pro-active and commit 100% once you ‘pull the trigger’ – use your adrenaline, picture your escape and see it through. Be aggressive, be confident and do not hesitate. 

Secure Transportation

One of the best things an organization can do that will minimize the risk of Express Kidnap significantly is using Trusted, Secure Transportation services . Click here to learn more about the Secure ground Transportation services offered by Execsecure.

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